To my knowledge, almost all lentic- or lotic-breeding hynobiids seem to oviposit communally, perhaps due to a limitation of favorable sites of oviposition within an aquatic habitat. In male Hynobius takedai, territoriality appears to exist during the breeding season (Tanaka, 1987), which may result in communal breeding.
In Japanese anurans, I think, at least four species (Bufo japonicus formosus, Bufo japonicus japonicus, Bufo torrenticola, Rhacophorus arboreus) oviposit communally (Kato, 1956; Maeda and Matsui, 1989; Tsuji and Kawamichi, 1996). However, any authors did not use the term of communal breeding/nesting/oviposition, except for Hasumi and Kanda (1998). I have another information on communal oviposition in Japanese anurans. In Rana narina, inhabiting the Ryukyu Archipelago (subtropical regions of Japan), communal oviposition was observed in a pool below a cascade, located at the uppermost of a stream (Maeda and Matsui, 1989).
・Tanaka, K. 1987. Body size and territorial behavior of male Hynobius takedai in breeding season (Amphibia: Hynobiidae). Japanese Journal of Herpetology 12: 45-49. (In Japanese with English abstract)
・Kato, K. 1956. Ecological notes on the green frogs during the breeding season. II. Breeding habit and others. Japanese Journal of Ecology 6: 57-61. (In Japanese with English abstract)
・Maeda, N., and M. Matsui. 1989. Frogs and Toads of Japan. Bun-ichi Sogo Shuppan, Tokyo, Japan. (In Japanese with English abstracts)
・Tsuji, H., and T. Kawamichi. 1996. Breeding habitats of a stream-breeding toad, Bufo torrenticola, in an Asian mountain torrent. Journal of Herpetology 30: 451-454.
I realized that you had already read this reference both because you referred to communal oviposition and because you knew my web page.
Actually, the present photograph that I sent you appeared to exhibit that six pairs of egg sacs of Hynobius hidamontanus were concentrated on one area of the log and were not scattered along the whole log. However, the log contained a total of 20 pairs of egg sacs, composed of six, seven, and seven pairs of egg sacs in each of three sites at approximately 30 cm intervals. For comparison, I sent you another photograph showing seven pairs of egg sacs, concentrated on another area with a 30 cm interval in the same log. You may also use this photograph for your presentation and paper. Interestingly, oviposition did not occur at any site other than the three sites along the same log within the swamp this year.
There may be some thermal advantage concerning communal oviposition. So, I provided information about water temperatures in a shallow swamp (10.9 C outside the log and 13.2 C inside the log around the six pairs of egg sacs, measured at 1058 h on 21 May 2006; 930 m elevation).
Apart from communal oviposition, Rana pirica, inhabiting the Hokkaido Island with cold climatic conditions (northern Japan), utilized the water surface that was warmer than the bottom (e.g., 16.4 C vs. 2.3 C at a 28 cm depth, 14.5 C vs. 2.8 C at a 52 cm depth) in several aquatic habitats for oviposition (Hasumi and Kanda, 1998).
・Hasumi, M., and F. Kanda. 1998. Amphibian fauna of Bekambeushi Marsh, Japan. Journal of Environmental Education 1: 165-169. (In Japanese)
I do not know where I mentioned this. Rana ornativentris tends to oviposit in warm sites, but it is unknown whether or not this species reveals communal oviposition. A female of this species deposits a full clutch as an egg clump. Did you say this?
Unfortunately, almost all books concerning Japanese salamanders are written in Japanese. I suspect whether you can understand Japanese. Even if you want to purchase these books, I recommend you the following guide book:
Uchiyama, R., N. Maeda, K. Numata, and S. Seki. 2002. A Photographic Guide; Amphibians and Reptiles in Japan. Heibon-sha, Tokyo, Japan. (In Japanese.) [ISBN 4-582-54232-8; soft bind; modified A5 size; 336 pp.; 2800 Japanese Yen exclusive of tax]
This book is composed of many fine photographs of amphibians and reptiles, but contains a large number of erroneous explanations, of course, written in Japanese (also see Ota et al., 2003). This is because all authors are not a researcher but a photographer. Even if so, this is a currently best book dealing with Japanese salamanders, I believe.
・Ota, H., G. Matsunaga, H. Sato, and Y. Yasukawa. 2003. Comments on Uchiyama et al.'s (2002) Photographic Guide_A long-awaited guide book to the Japanese amphibians and reptiles, but wait a minute... Bulletin of the Herpetological Society of Japan 2003(2): 78-87. (In Japanese with English abstract.)
日本に生息する両生類では、イモリのオスで、背中から尾に掛けて現れる青紫色の婚姻色が有名です。キタサンショウウオでは、手前味噌になりますが、4〜5月の繁殖期にオスの喉元が黄色いパッチ状に変化することが知られています(Hasumi, 2001)。ウシガエルや北米に生息するアマガエルの仲間 (Pseudacris crucifer)のオスの喉元にも、これと同様の黄色い婚姻色が見られます。また、プエルトリコの洞窟に生息するカエル(Eleutherodactylus cooki)では、オスの喉元から腹側に掛けて、黄色い婚姻色が現れます(Burrowes, 2000)。
・Burrowes, P. A. 2000. Parental care and sexual selection in the Puerto Rican cave-dwelling frog, Eleutherodactylus cooki. Herpetologica 56: 375-386.
繁殖期が終了したオスでしたら、精巣小葉内の精原細胞が分裂を繰り返して精母細胞になり、精細胞を経て成熟精子が出来上がります。こういった一連の精子形成過程を早め、成熟精子を短期間に作り出す方法は、まだ確立されておりません(イモリでも同様。詳細は[Abe, 2004]を参照)。それに、オスが成熟精子を持ったところで、輸精管や総排出腔腺などの生殖腺付属器官が発達しなければ繁殖は不可能ですし、精子形成と生殖腺付属器官の発達は、パラレルには進行しません。
・Abe, S.-I. 2004. Hormonal control of meiosis initiation in the testis from Japanese newt, Cynops pyrrhogaster. Zoological Science 21: 691-704.
「卵嚢(egg sac)」は、体外受精をおこなうサンショウウオ科に特有の用語です。ご質問がサンショウウオ科に関するものでしたら「卵塊(egg clump, egg cluster, egg mass, etc)」という用語を使用するのは、明らかな間違いです(卵嚢が同じ場所に数多く集まっている状態は「卵嚢群(egg sac mass)」と表現します)。
(2006年11月6日追記): 自分で「卵塊という用語を使用するのは明らかな間違い」という回答をしておいて何だが、最近の米国の爬虫類・両生類学の某国際専門誌の「Associate Editor」との折衝で「多くの読者は『egg sacs』という用語に不案内だから『egg masses』に直せ」と半ば強要され、泣く泣く承諾した経緯がある。明らかな間違いと分かっていても使用しなければならない辛さは、欧米の国際専門誌に学術論文を書いたことのない人には、きっと理解してもらえないだろうなあ......。
・Duellman, W. E., and L. Trueb. 1986. Biology of Amphibians. McGraw-Hill, New York, New York, U.S.A.
・Heatwole, H., and B. K. Sullivan (eds.). 1995. Amphibian Biology, Vol. 2, Social Behaviour. Surrey Beatty and Sons, Chipping Norton, New South Wales, Australia.
「成熟した(mature)」は「未熟な(immature)」に対する用語です。従って、これらの用語の前に「性的に(sexually)」や「季節的に(seasonally)」という修飾語が必要になります。例えば「季節的に未熟なオス(seasonally immature males)」といった表現です。私が「季節的な性成熟」と表現したのは、一般的な「性成熟(sexual maturity)」という用語を意識したからで、厳密に書くならば「季節成熟(seasonal maturity)」とすべきだったかもしれません。
・羽角正人. 1995. サンショウウオ科のポルノグラフィーはどこまで描けたか. 生物科学 46(4): 169-178.
・spermatogenesis: 精子形成(一次精原細胞・二次精原細胞・精母細胞・精細胞・精子となる一連の過程)
・spermatogenic wave: 精子形成の波(精巣内の未熟小葉・成熟小葉・腺組織からなる三つの帯が季節的に変動する現象)
・spermiation: 排精(精子が精巣から輸精管内へ移動する現象)
・spermiogenesis: 精子変態(精母細胞から精細胞を経て精子になる過程)
「spawning」を換言すると「simultaneous extrusion of spermatozoa and oviposition」です。「同時に起こる精子の放出と産卵」と和訳されます。これを意訳すれば「産卵・放精」となります。